Sunday, December 29, 2019

How to be Rich?

How to Be Rich?

"Money Plantation" a word you may not hear earlier in any books or Websites.
Even no one tells you about the process.
But it exists. It exists in Real life.
It exists in every Rich men's mind.
They know how to Grow money by Placing them in the right place.
You may think this happens when you become Rich.
That's the misconception you are keeping in your mind from childhood.
To be rich you don't need only money.
That is practically true that Riches are not rich by Money they have. They are rich by the enthusiasm they have.
They are rich by the mindset they have.
They are rich by the vision they have.
They are rich by the factors not by the wealth which you don't have. Only money cannot make a man rich.
Otherwise, Govt would Print lots of money and Distribute it to all the citizens and soon the country will become the richest in the world.


What makes You Rich?

First of all, it's your mindset. The thought process defines who you are. The skills you need to control your mind, the strategies you need to define your Goal and the patience you need to wait for the right opportunity.

How to create money even you are poor ?

When you love money, you see everything as an opportunity.
Everyone gets opportunity but the emotional IQ of your brain stops you from exploring the opportunity and converting it into cash. Remember, opportunity is the raw material of cash.
Recall the law,
Financial IQ>Emotional IQ -> Rich.
Financial IQ<Emotional IQ ->Poor.

Leave Your Comfort zone.

You create your own enemies and that's the reason your enemies take all your wealth and you stay poor lifelong.
You create enemies when you stay in the comfort zone for a long time. Believe me, Comfort zone is a battlefield where you are surrounded by intangible enemies like  Ignorance, apathy, dishonesty, dependency and some time diseases. Also, You are surrounded by too much crowd and hence you can't take any risk to evaluate your abilities. That is the basic reason for us to select security over freedom. We choose a salary over royalty. We choose incentives over revenues.

To be rich, you should think and act like a rich first.
Leave your comfort zone, start something new, focus on it, get fascinated and stick to it.
Wish you a wealthy future.
Sumit Gupta.
Investor & Trader.
Assam, India.

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